Shan Jin | Creative Technologist
The Dali Museum
2022 December
The Dream Tapestry is a first-of-its-kind interactive experience at The Dalí Museum where visitors can turn their dreams into art. We partnered with Minds Over Matter to bring OpenAI’s DALL·E to The Dalí, allowing people to create original, realistic Dream Paintings from a text description. Every few minutes, six Dream Paintings are stitched together by the AI to generate a Dream Tapestry. The result is an ever-growing series of entirely original Dream Tapestries, exhibited on the walls of the museum.
See the gallery of all dreams here.
ARTNET: "DALL-E, the A.I. Art App, Is the Breakout Star of a New Show About Dreams at Florida’s Dalí Museum"
ADAGE: "How The DALÍ Museum Is Using DALL-E To Transform Dreams Into Art"
MUSE BY CLIO: "DALÍ Meets DALL-E In This Dreamy A.I. Art Proje"